NOOC 3: Active and Gamified Learning


The NOOC 3 (nano open online course) is a training course proposed by the project Erasmus +, “European network in D-flexible teaching (ENID-Teach)”, PROJECT NUMBER – 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027551, KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education, coordinated by UNED. This NOOC is based in microlearning and introduces you to a general overview of the active and gamified learning methodologies and tools in higher education. We will introduce you to learning theories and methodologies that promote students’ active participation and engagement in learning activities and with application in different learning contexts and teaching practices.


The main objective of the NOOC is training through a microlearning approach in the design of teaching and learning following active and gamified methodologies.

The specific objectives are:

  1. to introduce what is Active Learning – being active, interactive and constructive;
  2. to understand what is interactivity and interaction in learning;
  3. to experiment some methodologies and strategies for active learning;
  4. understanding what is gamification and its applications in learning;
  5. to know digital tools for gamified learning;
  6. to design gamified learning activities


It is necessary for its realization the basic technological resources: computer or smartphone and internet connection. You are invited to access to some apps.


Higher education professors and other professors from different areas of education and training.

Study mode


Course duration

1 month


English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese


Lina Morgado, Luísa Aires, António Quintas-Mendes, Ana Afonso