Open Educational Resources
In this page, all the training materials realized for the five training courses are published as Open Educational Resouces (OERs). All the resources are made available and reusable under the Creative Common BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence (Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike).

NOOC 1: Connected and Critical Methodologies
- All
- Video Lesson
- Interactive Image
- Interactive Video
- Interactive presentation
- Digital tool
NOOC 2: Collaborative and Research Methodologies
- All
- Video lesson
- Interactive image
- Interactive video
- Interactive presentation
- Online Quiz
NOOC 3: Active and Gamified Learning
- All
- Video lesson
- Interactive image
- Interactive video
- Digital tool
NOOC 4: Inverted Methodologies
- All
- Video lesson
- Interactive presentation
- Online Quiz
NOOC 5: Designing Flexible Learning E-Programs
- All
- Video
- Interactive 360° video
- Interactive presentation