ENID-TEACH project presented at TLC Meeting

Renata Gambino and Federica Abramo presented a talk with the title “Un’esperienza di formazione dei docenti universitari UNICT. Il progetto Erasmus+ Enid Teach” at the National Meeting Modelli organizzativi e ruolo dei Teaching and Learning Centre nelle Università, organized by the Università degli Studi di Palermo, Rettorato dell’Università degli Studi Palermo, Palazzo Steri on the 12th and 13th of April.

The meeting was successful in questioning the role of the teacher at University considering the necessary transformation that digital tools and ecology are imposing.

The project Enid-Teach was welcomed as a very interesting first step towards a necessary innovation in the teaching and learning methodologies applied in university courses.

Posted in Meetings.

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